The Three Wise Men Doughnut, A Mexican Tradition

Ajijic is a town with beautiful traditions, and could not miss the celebration of “Dia de Reyes.”

The tradition of the Three Wise Men doughnut cutting, dates to the XIV century in France. The way to share it was very different back then: the first piece was for whoever was poor. The next one for the absent, those sent to war. The rest was shared amongst the present.
It is also said that inside the bread, they would put a bean or a coin, and whoever got it would get to be king or queen for a day.
This celebration got to Mexico in the era of the first years of the viceroyalty.
The celebration of The Day of the Wise Men to cut the 3 King’s doughnut is a Mexican tradition that takes place every year amongst family, friends, and co-workers. This celebration represents the appearance of the 3 Wise Men: Melchior, Gaspar and Balthasar.
As the majority already know, the tradition is to get together, eat and share the king’s doughnut accompanied by a cup of hot chocolate in remembrance of the 3 Wise Men, a dinner is made at an early hour of the evening so that the children can be present and that way everybody together can cut a slice of doughnut and wait to see who gets the little baby Jesus (a small plastic doll). Whoever has the fortune of getting the doll, must buy tamales on Candlemas day, which is on February 2.

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